
From The x3270 Wiki

How to run the Windows installer for wc3270.

Installer options

The Windows installer for wc3270 uses Inno Setup. Complete documentation for the command-line options is here.

Options of interest are:

Run the installer without user interaction
Install only specific components
Perform only specific install tasks

By default, all components are installed. The components are:

Component File Definition
base wc3270.exe Interactive emulator
catf.exe Trace file viewer
x3270if.exe Scripting interface and external c3270> prompt
wizard wc3270wiz.exe Session Wizard
s3270 s3270.exe Scripting emulator

By default, all tasks are performed. The tasks are:

Task Definition
desktopicons Create desktop shortcuts for wc3270 and the Session Wizard
migratefiles Copy session files from the AppDefaults folders (from older versions of wc3270) to Documents folders

Notes for installing as SYSTEM

To install wc3270 as the SYSTEM user, which does not have any per-user special folders, you must disable the desktopicons and migratefiles tasks by specifying the following option:


Notes for version upgrades

AppData file migration

Release 3.5 switched from storing session files in AppData to storing them in Documents. When upgrading from an earlier release to 3.5 or later, session and keymap files in an wc3270 AppData folder must be copied to a Documents folder (a user's My Documents or the Public Documents folder) and desktop session shortcuts must be replaced. A Migration Wizard will be run automatically by the installer to handle this, allowing the user to control which files are copied. (Note that when using unattended installation, the Migration Wizard will copy all of the files.)

The Migration wizard will copy only files for the user running the installer and shared files. After the upgrade, other users will be offered an option in the Session Wizard to migrate their own files.

File migration will only happen once per user and for shared files. The files will be preserved in the AppData folders, but will be ignored.

Upgrading from 32-bit to 64-bit

Release 3.5 was the first with 64-bit Windows support. When upgrading on 64-bit Windows from an earlier release to 3.5 or later, the old 32-bit version must be uninstalled before 64-bit installation can proceed. This will be done automatically by the 64-bit installer (with the user's permission, or always if installing unattended).