ui-error indication

From The x3270 Wiki

A b3270 protocol message that indicates an error in the UI input stream.

Attribute Always present? Type Purpose
fatal yes Boolean true if the error is fatal (no more input will be accepted)
text yes string Error description
element no string Name of the XML element causing the error (XML only)
operation no string Name of the operation causing the error (JSON only) New in 4.2
attribute no string Name of the attribute causing the error (XML only)
member no string Name of the object member causing the error (JSON only) New in 4.2
line no number Input line number
column no number Column number within input line

Example (XML)

<ui-error fatal="true" text="XML parsing error: syntax error" line="1" column="0"/>

Example (JSON)

New in 4.2

{ "ui-error": { "fatal": true, "text": "Invalid bareword", "line": 1, "column": 3 } }