File transfer resources

From The x3270 Wiki
(Redirected from FtWindowsCodePage resource)

These resources define the default parameters for IND$FILE file transfers.

Resource Type Meaning Default
ftAllocation string Allocation type for files sent to TSO hosts: default, tracks, cylinders or avblock default
ftAvblock integer AVBLOCK (average block) allocation size for files sent to TSO hosts 0
ftBlksize integer Block size for files sent to TSO hosts 0
ftBufferSize integer Buffer size for DFT-mode file transfers, 256 to 32768
Larger values improve performance, but some hosts may not be able to support them
ftCr string Action for line separators (CR and LF characters) in text files:
  auto, add, remove: add when files are received from the host / remove when they are sent to the host
  keep no special processing
ftDirection string Transfer direction, from the perspective of the workstation:
  send: send file from workstation to host
  receive: receive file from host to workstation
ftExist string Action when the destination file already exists:
  keep: abort the transfer (or if invoked interactively on x3270 or wx3270, prompt to confirm overwrite)
  replace: overwrite the file
  append: append new file to the old file
ftHost string Host type: vm, tso or cics tso
ftHostFile string Name of file on host
ftLocalFile string Name of file on workstation
ftLrecl integer Logical record length for files sent to the host 0
ftMode string Transfer mode:
  ascii: text, with translation between the workstation's locale and EBCDIC
  binary: no translation
New in 4.3
string Additional options to pass to the IND$FILE command
ftPrimarySpace integer Primary space allocation for files sent to TSO hosts 0
ftRecfm string Record format for files sent to the host:
  default (IND$FILE chooses an appropriate format), fixed, variable, or undefined
ftRemap string Mapping behavior for text files:
  yes: before or after IND$FILE's ASCII <-> EBCDIC translations, do additional translation between the workstation's locale and the host's EBCDIC code page
  no: leave IND$FILE's ASCII <-> EBCDIC translations as-is
ftSecondarySpace integer Secondary space allocation for files sent to TSO hosts 0
ftWindowsCodePage string Windows code page to use for translating text to/from EBCDIC
Used only if ftRemap is set to yes
workstation's ANSI code page