C3270/Operator Information Area

From The x3270 Wiki

The c3270 Operator Information Area contains the following fields, from left to right:

Text Mode
4A TN3270 3270
4B? TN3270E unbound
4B TN3270E 3270
Message area
An X indicates a locked keyboard. This area can also contain scrolling messages for file transfers.
Text Meaning
X [DNS] Waiting for name resolution to complete
X [TCP] Waiting for TCP connection to complete
X [TELNET] Waiting for TELNET negotiation to complete
X [TN3270E] Waiting for TN3270E negotiation to complete
X [Proxy] Waiting for proxy negotiation to complete
X [Field] Waiting for the host to format the screen (create an input field)
X Reconnecting Reconnect operation in progress
X Inhibit Awaiting completion of a Query Reply
X Wait Waiting for the host to unlock the keyboard
X SYSTEM Command acknowledged; waiting for the host to unlock the keyboard
X Keyboard unlock delay active
X Scrolled n Display is scrolled back
X Protected Operator error: attempt to modify a protected field
X Overflow Operator error: attempt to insert into a full field
X NUM Operator error: attempt to place non-numeric character into a numeric field
X <S> Operator error: invalid DBCS operation
X -f Invalid AID in current mode
X Disabled Keyboard disabled while script is running
Miscellaneous indications
These indicators are blank unless the condition is active.
Symbol Meaning
Cx Compose operation in progress, with x as the first key
T Typeahead is buffered
R Reverse-input mode
I Insert mode
P Printer session active
S Session is secure
Green S if host is verified
Yellow S if host is not verified
n Screen tracing active
Digit 0-9 if less than 10 screens traced
+ if 10 or more screens traced
s Script active
LU name
The logical unit name indicated by the host during TELNET negotiation.
If the showTiming resource is True, this indicates how long the emulator waited for the host to respond to the last AID. It also appears when a pending connection takes more than one second to complete.
Cursor position
Row and column, with 001/001 at the upper left.